Wednesday, December 18, 2013

have something

If you gain understanding don't let it go.
If you fall in love don't fall out.
If you get faith don't doubt it.
If you get butterflies imbrace them.
If you gain a strong bond don't break it.
If you fight then fight to get over it.
If there's a bad time look back and realize there's more good times.
If you give them trust then realize they must be pretty special to receive that.
If you fullt give your heart then just be happy it has a loving home.
If yea like it then you shoulda put a ring on it ;)

Friday, December 13, 2013

light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't let go its finally real.
Don't let go its finally truth.
Don't let go its finally understanding.
Don't let go its not over.
Don't let go there is some hope.
Don't let go there is a light.
Don't let go its no longer alone.
Don't let go for this is finally right...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

suffering secrets

Ever have that moment where you realize something doesn't feel right?
Something in your mind just isn't clicking.
This feeling of confusion just stays like a fog in your mind.
Just a few secrets cause all of it.
Not the simple secrets like "I took something from a store", or "you ate all the cookies for the charity".
Secrets that literally make you wonder if your mentally ill.
Lies that seem deeper then earths core.
No matter what their level of importance is, they still sit there haunting your thoughts.
Questions pop up like...has this effected my life....will I ever it revenge for something that happened to me...
The questions never end but neither do the lies. They seem to never stop. They grow and grow to hide more and more.
And then realizing is this who you really are? A monster in dark.
And the one thing that holds you trapped in fear is the thought of, if this ever blows up what will there be left, what will change, what will happen, and will recovery and change ever be possibility.....

Monday, December 9, 2013

truth be told

Life isn't all bad.
One day of misery will become one day of perfection.
One lie will turn into one truth.
One heart break will turn into one love.
One death will become one birth.
One failure will soon be one success.
One tear will one day become one smile.
One rainy day will eventually be one sunny day.
One day of stress will one day be one day of peacefulness.
One day of poor will turn to one day of fortune.
One misunderstanding will turn to one lesson.
One care will equal one support.
One dream will be one hope.
But One belief will equal a million things.....

haha are they serious? ......

Ever have that moment when someone says you don't know how it feels to go through "this".  And in your mind your listing everything and more that you've gone through and thinking is this person serious? like really?.... I hate when people think they know life better.  Don't mind if you compare or say oh yours is harder. but to say straight to my face "oh you don't know what its like". Like I'm sorry you can stop rewind and pause right there cause you don't know my life.

Everyone goes through the same difficulties, problems, situations, etc. in life. The only difference is all of those are happen differently in our lives. So yeah ok you say you something like " I had to deal with a smoking addiction for years, you don't know what that's like". My response " Ok, well I went through major anxiety disorder for years".  Both of us went through a hard time. Both went through something that was controlling our life that we were fighting against. You cant tell me I don't know how a hard time like that feels.

Even when it comes to levels of difficulty or pain. Everyone's difficulty or pain levels differently. But that doesn't mean we all haven't felt those same levels.

Think through before you think you know better then someone else.

Your life is someone elses.

I don't get why people live their life's the way people tell them to. To me taking someone's advice is always great, and help is a plus. But if your doing everything just for them, what is the benefit for you in life? How does living exactly their life make your life the way you want it? If you had to stress over life wouldn't you want it to be over something that benefits your life or something that you actually want to be doing? Why would you live a life just for their benefits? Its like your their little doll that does all the work for them while they enjoy the benefits. Seems like a waste of life to me. I don't know maybe that's just the way I think. But I think your life should stay your life.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lifes Mysteries

Seems like we complain so much. Yet to us it doesn't seem like complaining. It's our way of saying what life is slapping us in the face with.

Seems like we get slapped with a lot. Once we think we understand something, it quickly changes. Once we think we have a problem under control, a new problem appears. Once you feel happy, something always steals that feeling away.

We spend hours and hours trying to find out how to stop all of it. There's two bad ways of that though. 1. most people take the easy way out of life, but never realize what they were feeling is now left on someone else. and 2. there really isn't anyway to stop the way life works. It was designed to be this way. We just have to learn to keep living with it.

It always seems like there's a million days of bad compared to good days. But it's cause we learn to dwell on the bad. The bad actually helps us fight for the good days. Cause those good days are totally worth anything bad day we have to go through.

Life is a test of our strengths and weaknesses. It just matters which one you want to choose.